कही अनकही

Do you know me

We think we know a person.But do we actually. We think we see the person but do we really? Aren't we all spirits, who have been here since aeons & aeons. We are as old as the gods and the time itself. Trust me, we have seen a lot. Millions of Empires have risen from dust and fallen to dust all in our watch.we have seen all. We have travelled all that there is to travel. We are all that there is. So I ask again? Do we really know someone ?only if we know that we are spirits evolving to be soul, we can say that we know all. But when our identities are fixated at the ego we dont know nothing, we are ignorant of our true nature and hence all existence. One needs to go inside and realise. With our egos as our guiding light we know a very little aspect of an entity through complete live.That life would have certain experiences and learnings which that entity needs to go through to evolve. In reality we know only those experiences we dont know that person really. Meanwhile, true self; unstained from any impurities watches all. An entity is something fascinating, very deep and full of wonders. Next time you see someone, think about this. Try to look deeper if your interest allows. Seek out the wonders of soul. Look within with eye of wonder and you shall experience love in that mystery love. Live and mystery are always together, they are never apart. Different side of the same coin. It' s unexplainable and beautiful. O river of love, what shore you run through. O river of love, will you quench my eternal thirst. O river of love, will you madden me with your gaze. O river of love, will you light up my barren city of dreams. O river of love, will you purify me from ignorance O river of love, mountain of my soul is incomplete without you. O river of love, my valley of experiences run dry. O river of love, turn the rustling windstorm of my thought to cold breeze. O river of love, my lush green forests awaits your return. O eternal river of love, bless my being.
April 8,2022

Sacrifice to Devil

The allegory which lots of shows and movies use is the sacrifice of soul to demon in exchange of wealth, status and other crap that society has to offer. I find that this is not limited to rock band occult sacrificial rituals or few men who are at the very top of the top. This analogy of soul sacrifice to the devil is even applicable to the common man, who is sacrificing his soul every day he lives. Sacrifices the days of life in service to this wretched wreck of a system. Poverty is not a bug, but a feature. Inequality is not a bug but a feature of this system। When this comes up in shows and all Its just the representation how a common man sacrifices his soul to get something he desires. And in turn he gets tricked by the devil. Man does not realises that these riches and all that devil has to offer is nothing but a sham, its not real. Something very true is exchanged for something very false.
April 7, 2022


"जिसके जीवन मे रहस्य आ जाता है, उसके जीवन में प्रेम आ जाता है । प्रेम तो प्राणों की वो तीव्र भावदशा है जो रहस्य को जानने के लिए आंदोलित हो उठती है। मैं कहता हूँ रहस्य को आने दें। द्वार खोल दें। ज्ञान की झूठी बातें हटा दें । रहस्य को लगातार आने दें और आप रहस्य की छाया की भांति पायेंगे कि हृदय प्रेम से भर रह है। बो प्रेम जब समस्त जीवन के प्रति आंदोलित हो उठता है तो उसे हम प्रार्थना कहते हैं। उसे ममैं प्रार्थना कहता हूं ।जब एक पत्ती भी हिलती है और आपके प्राणों में कंपन हो उठता है और जब हवा का झोंका चलता है तब भी आपके भीतर कम्पन होता है, धूल का बवंडर जब उठता है तभ भी आपके अंदर एक कम्पन पैदा होता है और रहस्य से पूछने लगता है कि क्या है, क्या है और कुछ बूझ नही रह जाता। बुद्धि ठगी रह जाती है और प्राण प्यासे जानने को आतुर रह जाते हैं। वही है अवस्था प्रेम की । यही है अवस्था सबसे जुड़ जाने की। प्रेम हृदय को भर देगा अगर बुद्धि को आप ज्ञान से मुक्त कर दें। बुद्धि अगर झूठे ज्ञान से मुक्त हो जाये तो हृदय सच्चे प्रेम से भर जाएगा। पंडित कभी प्रेमी नही हो पाता। कबीर ने कहा है कि ढाई अक्षर पढ़े सो पंडित होए । Prem ka janma hota hai rahasya se अस्तित्व के प्रति रहस्य का बोध । हमारा रहस्य का बोध कुंठित है रहस्य को जानें, प्रेम को जानें ।" - ओशो
April 6, 2022


This plane is about leaning the valuable lessons of karma. Karma which was created when we went away from the true central axis, dhruv, mahakaal, divine, dharma. Every choice that we made going away from the divinity creates Karma; thus creates a set of lessons for our soul to ultimately make us realise the repercussions of going against dharma.Every situation that we find ourselves trapped in is nothing but a teaching from the divine mother nature so that we can align ourselves to divinity and hence Evolve, or get in coherence with divine. Make theories, question, realise that you know nothing(You just don't know). Always be conscious of the present moment, live in it. Try to understand the choices or what lesson might be mama nature be trying to teach your soul. Make sound choice and leave the rest to divine.Submit yourself completely on to him. Prioritise present and its learnings and choice and teachings that nature is trying to make you understand and realise.Be very conscious of it. Align with dharma, leaving everything else in the dark background. Bless you.
April 4, 2022


"In a system when the individual is tilted to devolvement, there is greater free will than determinism. As one works hard and evolves farther and farther, one aligns oneself with the Axis (central axis). This alignment leads to more and more determinism. There is more determinism in higher realms, therefore more order. There is more free will at lower realms, therefore less order; Thus choices become important in the lower realms. As only good choices can push one to the central Axis. Determinism. Thus we can say, as one evolves one actually is going from free will to more and more Deterministic reality."
April 4, 2022


"Higher the vibration of elements, more difficult it becomes to maintain form. Beings with greatest of vibrations are formless. It is also evident quite clearly in the five elements as it goes from gross to subtle, form to formless : earth, water, fire, air, aakash This gives the Idea that the supreme Godhead is formless and above the very perceptions of Form. He is Unsaid, Unseen, Untouched "
April 3,2022


Why everyone is attracted towards Babies? They are the cutest.They don't have any care for future, no regrets for past. They are the beings in most purest form. They are submitted to mother completely, and the divine mother provides for their needs from milk to everything. His beautiful smile attracts everyone. His gaze is filled with love and emotions. His crying breaks the heart of people. They are purest to the core. They are submitted to mother and father for their every little needs. Mama loves the babies dearly. That divine purity, that loving gaze, that heartfelt cry, that purity which we all had when we were little. Where did we lose it? What happened to us? How will we find it? It is these same qualities which the child has are loved and adorned by the great Gods but we lose it as we grow up. Lose it for what? for this reckoning of dystopian world. Just to make it running and functional. No we mustn't. We mustn't give up the pure light even for the exchange of the three worlds. I thought about it long and hard, what is in these little smiling creatures that everyone adores them. Maybe they reflect something that is hidden very deep inside of us. Maybe they reflect that divine purity which we have sacrificed for this rotten world. Maybe they represent hope to our subconscious that one day we will realise and we will go back.As the vacuum attracts the air and water flows from higher point to lower likewise we are attracted to something which we don't have, that surrender, that purity, that innocence, that light, love, beauty, faith.(qualities of Higher Consciousness being). Ideally one should live like a baby. A being with complete faith, love, emotions, light, beauty and purity. What did we lose? Why did we lose? Was the loss worth the gain? We need to ask ourselves some hard-hitting questions. In old times there used to be a saying "Jo Bachcha hai vahi Bacha hai" well now that makes a lot of sense. The path to go back being a baby is the path of Yogi. If you see Yogi tries and tries to be exactly like the baby. Yogi strives to be like a baby. Yogi develops faith of the highest order, then he surrenders himself to that divine order. Yogi watches the world with love and compassion. Yogi is innocent. Yogi is completely submitted to the Divine Father and Divine Mother. Divine Mother loves the yogi dearly and provides him food shelter and love. Our true consciousness is lost in the layers of dark materialism. We are going away from the love of divine mother and father, therefore we are suffering. We must surrender and lose ourselves in their care. And everything will be taken care of. All would be good. There is so much we can learn from that innocent smiling face throwing love at you. There is so much to love from a baby. Next time you see a baby remember these words.
April 2, 2022

All of these words are grace from the Higher and Divine.
I could never write these words, I am an idiot. I simply don't know anything. I am a tiny droplet of this vast ocean which is the world.