
जाता हूँ कहीं दूर मैं रात को ,
बहुत दूर इस शरीर से,
बहुत दूर इस मन से,
बहुत दूर इस जहां से ।

की क्या बताएं वहां का हल 
जनाब वहां ठंड बहुत है ।
वहां अंधेरा बहुत है
प्रेम की एक लौ जलती रहती है
मैं उसी की तरफ चलता रहता हूँ।
उस कूम्प अंधेरे में,
वो लौ सूरज प्रतीत होती है।
कंपा देने वाली ठंड में,
वह स्वर्णिम लौ बड़ी मोहक लगती है।
देखा है मैंने कइयों को वहां 
ठंड में चलते चलते
वे बर्फ से कठोर हो गए हैं
उनका वास्ता रातों से 
और दोस्ति ठण्ड से रहती है ।
बड़े उदास नजर आते हैं वो लोग ।

कुछ ऐसे भी हैं, पर बहित कम
जो उस लौ को सूरज समझ 
चले जाते हैं उसकी ओर
फिर वो न जाने कहाँ जाते हैं ।
फिर वो न जाने कहाँ जाते हैं ।

उस अजीब से दुनिया से कई बार
मैं भी बर्फ से लौट हूं
कइयों बार लौ की तलाश में भी निकल हूँ ।
पर वापिस न जाने क्यों लौट हूँ।
पर वापिस न जाने क्यों लौट हूँ ।

एक दिन मैंने जाने से इनकार कर दिया 
फिर मैं खुद ही वो "लौ" बन गया ।
रोशनी छा गई, चमक आ गयी ।

अब मैं निकला करता हूँ,
ठंडे शहरों की तरफ, एक लौ बनकर,
और रात बस ऐसे ही बीत जाती है 
और रात बस ऐसे ही बीत जाती है।

"कुछ लोग देख कर सुनते हैं,
 कुछ लोग सुन कर देखते हैं ।"

क्या तुमने खुद को देख?
क्या तुमने मुझको देखा?
अगर नहीं,
तो क्या देखा?
तो क्या जाना?
अब तू देखा भी अनदेखा ही समझ ।
अब तू जाना भी अनजान ही जान ।
ये दुनिया सात रंगों की चित्रकारी 
क्या तुमने चित्रों के नुभव में,
ज्ञान को देखा?
यदि नहीं तो क्या देखा?

आवाजें गूंज रहीं हैं तारों में,
उन आवाजों में अगर,
इतिहास के हास को ना सुना
तो क्या सुना?

मुझमे मैं न रहूँ , तुझमे तू न रहे
तो बात बन जाए, तो समा बंध जाए 
मज़ा आ जाए ।
संसार छूट जाए, खुद मिल जाए
हम सब एक बन जाये, कमाल कर जाएं ।
मज़ा आ जाये ।
बंटवारे की खाईयां भर जाएँ,
तो ज़नाब मज़ा आ जाये ।
एकीकार हो जाय, मृत्युपार हो जाए ।
नफ़रतें मिट जाएं, अनासक्त प्रेम बढ़ जाए।
मज़ा आ जाए ।
सुनसान अंधेरों में रोशनी मिओ जाए
मंदिर, मस्जिद, पर्वतों में
यदि "वो" मिल जाए
तो मज़ा आ जाये।
ज़नाब मज़ा आ जाये 
वी कौन है, वो आया कहाँ से था
जा कहाँ रहा है, वो दिखता कैसा है 
हमारे पास है कि दूर है ।
क्या आप जानने को तैयार हैं ।
क्या आप चलने को तैयार हैं ।
यदि आप चलने को तैयार हो जाए
तो मज़ा आ जाए
ज़नाब मज़ा आ जाए ।

आइनों में क़ैद हैं कई शख्स,
जिसको भी देखना के बार देखना ।
बार बार देखना, कई बार देखना,
देख कर समझना, समझ कर जानना ।

जब होगा रौनक-ए-दीदार तुमको,
तव सभी में आप-आप देखोगे ।
सभी में खुद -खुद को ही देखोगे ,
जहां तेरा आईना बनेगा,
जैसा दोगे ठीक वैसा ही तुझको मिलेगा ।
कि इस दर्पण-ए-क़ैद में 
कहीं खो न जाना तुम,
बस ढूंढते जाना बस ढूंढते जाना तुम ।

की भटके और भी कई हैं यहाँ
की भटके और भी कई हैं यहाँ
हो सके तो, कुछ को साथ मे बचा ले जाना तुम ।

गर्दिश-ए-बवंडर तो कई आएंगे ।
जलजले तो कई आएंगे ज़नाब ।
उस रब की रेशमी डोर पकड़ 
साफ बच निकल जाना तुम ।

कई ऐसे हैं जिन्होंने 
कभी भी अंतर मैन की नहीं सुनी 
वे अनसुने हैं ज़नाब ।
अनसुनों की ना सुन ,
मंजिल-ए-दीदार के लिए तड़प ।

रुहों के मेले में, लेन देन बहुत है ।
मृत्यु के फेरे में, पीड़ा बहुत है ।

सत की रौनक चमक रही है 
दीवानों के लिए ।
उसकी तरफ जाने वाले
आज बहुत कम हैं ।
देखा भी अनसुने अनदेखा कर रहे हैं ।

कई मस्ताने परवाने कह गए सत का फेर
अनसुने तब भी थे , अनसुने आज भी हैं
सच तब भी दफ़न था, सच आज भी दफ़न है ।

"कान्हो मेरो मीत,
मै कान्हा की बांसुरी ।"

"हमें अनजानों ने जाना,
जानने वाले तो जान मांग 

ए मेरे ख़ुदा मैं नहीं जानता,
तूने चुना क्या है मेरे लिए ।
है ऐतबार इतना तुझपर,
ऐ मेरे वालिद ।
हो जो कुछ भी जंजीर-ए-क़ायनात में,
मौत तू सुकून की ही देगा ।

डर लगता है उनसे बात करने से,
कि कहीं खो न जाएं हम उनकी गहराईयों में 
उन आंखों में कई बार डूबे हैं हम
उनकी रेशमी ज़ुल्फ़ों में कई बार खोए हैं हम
उनकी मुस्कान मेरी सारी थकान मिटा देती है 
अरे उनकी खुशबू में मेरा होश क़ैद है 
सांझ सा उनका साया, एक अजीब आराम देता है ।
उनके लफ्ज़ मानो क़ुरान की आयतें ,
मानो ख़ुदा हमसे ख़ुद बोल रहे हों ।
जादू-ए-नशा है उनका अंदाज़ ।

खोया है हमने इतना
यहाँ आने से पहले ।
अगर पाने निकल पड़े
तो ये जहां भी कम पड़ जायेगा ।

यूँ तो बटवारे बहुत किये तुम लोगों ने,
लफ़्ज़ों को तो, हे राम, बख्श दो ।
क्या उनका, क्या किसका 
शब्दों की जमींदारी छोड़,
भावनाओं पे ज़रा जोर दो ।
आ सब रहा है, एक ही धारा से 
मटकों में पानी भरकर,
उनसे प्यास बुझाना छोड़ दो ।

कई बार मारा उन्होने, पर मार न सके ।
बस याद-याद-याद, बस याद रह जाती है ।

एक सच्चा कवि समाज में दाग़ की तरह होता है।
समाज उसे नकारता है, पसंद नही करता ।
एक सच्चा कवि विद्रोही है ।
विद्रोह की मशाल बनी उसकी कलम
न जाने कितने आंदोलन रच डालती है।
इंक़लाब लाती है, बदलाव लाती है।
एक कवि समाज के स्थापित तंत्र को
मूल रूप से झकझोर देता है और युवाओं में 
इंक़लाब की अग्नि प्रज्वलित कर देता है।
कबीर एक विद्रोही हैं, मीरा एक विद्रोहिणी हैं।
जब कोई दाग़ बहुत समय तक लगा रहता है,
तो मजबूरन कपड़े को धुलना ही पड़ता है।

यूँ तो तमाम दोस्त हैं मेरे साहिब,
सब के सब मुझीमें दफ़्न हैं ।
अक़्सर क़ब्रों से निकालकर, 
उन्हीं से गुफ़्तगू कर लेता हूं ।
हर एक से मिलते मिलते,
वक़्त कब निकल जाता है पता ही नहीं चलता,
पता ही नहीं चलता ।

वो कहते हैं कि मिल क्यूं नही जाया करते हमसे,
कैसे उन्हें ये बताऊं कि मैं खुद में ही कइयों से मिल लेता हूं।

नींद नही आती, चैन नही पड़ता ।
ना जाने क्या ढूंढ रहा हूँ, अर्सों से ,
वो दिखता कैसा था?????
अब तो ये भी जान नही पड़ता ।

है यकीन की,
पाएंगे उसको ज़रूर एक दिन ,
उसकी खुशबू अक्सर आती है मुझको ।

अब सोचता हूँ, तो लगता है,
कि वो था बड़ा मासूम,
भूल शायद मुझसे ही कहीं हुई होगी ।

कि चल रहा हूँ मैं बेबाक़ उसकी तरफ ,
मेरा मौला अपनी आँखें बिछाये, 
मेरा ही इंतेज़ार करता होगा।

कि मलाल होगा मुझको,
अगर कहीं देरी हो जाये ।
उसकी सासों में जान बसती है मेरी ।

चल रहा हूँ चलता रहूंगा
उसकी तरफ बस उसकी तरफ उसकी
तरफ बस उसकी तरफ ।
"हे राम"

सवेरा जब आए तो रोशनी ओढ़ लेना।
रात जब आए, तो अंधेरा ओढ़ लेना।
दिन, रात, साल, जमाने यों ही बदलेंगे। 
तुम उनके साथ-साथ, खुद को भी बदलते रहना।

शरीर से वास्ता एक तरफ ,
हमारी दिल्लगी रूहानी होती है ।

ज़मीन पर चलना एक बात,
हमारी सैर तारों पर होती है ।

ओ नदिया, कहाँ है रे तू ।
ओ नदिया, मेरी सदियों की प्यास बुझा जा ।
ओ नदिया, मुझे अपनी नज़र से मदहोश कर दे ।
ओ नदिया, मेरे बंजर सपनों के शहर में रोशनी भर दे ।
ओ नदिया, मुझे अज्ञानता के श्राप से रिहा कर दे ।
ओ नदिया, मेरी आत्मा का पर्वत तेरे बिन अधूरा है ।
ओ नदिया, मेरे अनुभवों की वादी तेरे बिन सूख रही है ।
ओ नदिया, मेरे विचारों के तूफान को ज़रा मंद कर दे ।
अरे ओ नदिया, ये सुनसान वन तुझे बुला रहे हैं ।
ओ मेरी प्रेम की नदिया, तुम कहाँ हो ।

"The River"

The river flows carrying both the debris and gold And it never allows anyone of these to come up on the surface River does not demand anything from the people living by its side or the animals that drink its water It makes every part of the land fertile wherever it passes from flows with contentment and love towards the nature who she herself is a part of She understands that she is a part of a bigger reality At the end she merges everything debris and treasure all of them into the Supreme Ocean This is the life of river

Was walking in the gray lane
When eyes saw a glimpse of you
Somehow, I kept walking
but my soul stopped

"I dont know Song"

I dont know what it feels like to be on your side I dont know what it takes to love you Till I die I dont know OOOOO' Tell me where I need to look for In my dark thoughts I know how sad were you All along, when I was gone Just like that, Truth went by your side While I laughed holding the box full of lies The long night went by As it rained outside Somehow, I heard you mourn Deep inside Did the tears told you the tales? Of thy love and thy pain On those long walks When mornings came by Saw you rubbin your innocent eyes. The day went by Just seeing you smile I remembered I remembered The day when I met you felt the shining warm light as grief went by. way you walked way you smiled Love at first sight It was love at first sight Want to see you Walk the isle While I look at the love of my life And seasons went beautifully by We grew old laughed and Cried It was night of May twenty nine I faintly recall you held me in your arms As my soul went by As my soul went by While you cried baby while you cried And thats how, my small life went by.

"The Unheard Tale"

What a sinner have I become? keeping my emotions as leverage To burn those dry leaves of life just so that I can feel warm again Meanwhile, Destiny watched at a distance reminiscing about the tragedy of my life I looked up at the Moon and Stars It seemed they were still waiting for you; I could hear the subtle crackling of fire in dead silence Staring to see your glimpse in the unknown While I soundly slept to your thoughts. While horizon vanished It's been an eternity since the sky met the sea Unaware, whole world came to see Like two stars in night sky Being so close yet too far They became one with existence. As I woke up I revered those fading memories With sore eyes I lifted my pen to write While, reels of black and white came in hindsight Reminded me of the perished To let go of the Lost. I went further on To write the unheard Tale The unheard tale of Devotion, Deception, Detachment,Departed and Destruction.

" I hope we shall meet again In different times In different circumstances In different Worlds In different Dimensions In different Bodies "

"Addiction is Pain Pain is Addictive"


Suddenly I see some green grasslands dark woods, seashore and night sky Somehow sense of time starts to hit you It is only then you feel that single split second When you hit the blade of thoughts Emotions starts to bleed and you slowly stop to think Then you create something from your dripping bloodlike emotions In that very moment "Art" is created:

"The Trail"

Trail of tears lead me to you
Trail of blood is all I see now

Paced with all my strenght
Only to see you nowhere ahead

Was consumed by the tide of fear
How far you went
Leaving me, Lying in wait

One last time
One last smile
was all i wanted to see
But you left unsaid

Broken by despair
Harsh and hasrh it got
Hope was all i wanted 
Curse was all I got

Your Love was all I wanted,
Tears was all I got.

Lost you and my heart too
Kept walking in my path unshook

I do want to follow
Dont know If I can
What good will it ever do to you?
Seeing me as a dark past
  again and again

"Cheers to the beauty of pain"

So sad I was that day,
Even the light refused to fall over me,
Sitting by myself in the dark
I continued to write my heart out
And the night went by.

"Take my life as a leverage to her happiness
If that is what it takes to make her smile"

Dont look at your shadow they said
I wondered what secrets it may hold
Dont talk about the dead they said
I wondered how many tales they may share
Don't look back for the lost they said
I wondered they might still be waiting

"The Door was never locked,
It is just that you left without ever knocking"

A lot of people are like
those unread books which
you buy out of curiousity
but you just leave them
unread after a few pages

Let me be faithful to a majestic lie,
Rather than living a plain 'Truth' 

"Let me be a lie
while you wait for Truth"

In the strides of "Time"
Brave are fallen
Weak are hiding in fear
And Dead seem to have won.

Way of Life,
A rhythm of bravado and cowardice
Symphony of pain and pleasure
Memento of love and hate

Don't want to ride this wave of feeling
It sure beats me up every time
to the shore of despair
Too afraid to lose
Too shy to dive
Not caring about a thing in the world

Gone to the depths of sea,
You will be hard to find.

Tears may lie, blood doesn't
Hope may fade, love doesn't
Desire may go in vain, Efforts doesn't

"Stars don't shine, 
they burn and So will you"

What is void?
Space containing nothing
It's a graveyard for souls
your mind is all that remains

Terror regret despair the sensation
of falling forever while feeling
onky the worse emotions

Thats the kind of place "Void" is...

"Someone who was only
a sentence in your book
Has a whole chapter for you."

Let the secrets be hidden
Let the doors be locked
Let the fire consume all that is forgotten
Let the winds carry the ashes away
Let the rain wash down your sins
Hold your ground strong in this flood

Let the world crumble in its own calamity
Let the people fight and die in vain
Assume that the destiny is incharge
of worst of your fears
Be an observer

As you cannot save all that is "sin"
you cannot stare death away
View the virtuality crumble

Let the reality take hold of itself
Let the fake ideals be shattered

All that is art out of there
Is a way for humans
to fill the void in their hearts
We humans, Seek love and freedom
But when hit by despair and loneliness
We too stumble
We too fall
The overwhelming grief
Sets our raging heart on fire
To create the beauty that is "Art"

"I don't know how I fell in love with darkness
while walking on the path of light"

Voices echoed from so far
It's been ages Since I slept in calm

Eyes were closed but your thoughts weren't
Door was closed but your presence wasn't

your warmth held me back to life
Holding me back to this fading world.

I am,

Scandolous to the joy
Lustful to the tremble
Adamant to the pain
Unruly to treasures
Trustful to the beauty 

                     of "Love"

"The flowers 
went up in flames that day
When you slowly walked away
When you slowly walked away"

"If you get the hold of power
people will listen to you they respect you 
They ridicule you 
even for the slightest of mistakes"

"The fact that people with 
unimaginable power and infinite potential
are wasting away their precious lives
is very disturbing"

"Creativity is the bridge that connects
humanity to the unknown"

"Blood is a cure to rage
Either its yours or your enemy's"

"Random Thoughts"

What will you do without me?
what are you going to accomplish without me
I tore this soul for you
But you don't seem to care.

Night is grey, you astray
from me, from me
Slowly fire is burning my cores.
Burning the desire attachments
And all the stuff I hold dear.

A bag of ash remains
with your memories
Down to the core
Sitting by the shore
The ghosts I lure
Are here to take me to the stars alone.

keep waiting by the sides
Till I come back from the void
it's cold and dark there
As they said
Your heart will keep warm
even through many Ice ages.

Stages..Faces..Cases I fear will be there
Traces of ashes are left 
To keep you from going astray.

Dimension hold the mystery of love
Let the secrets be hidden
Let the doors be locked

Let the fire consume all that is forgotten.
Let the winds carry your tears away.
Let the rain wash down your sins.
Hold your ground in this ravaging storm

Let the Satan descend from the Gates of Hell
Stay back observe
Let the world crumble in its own calamity
Let the people fight and die in vain.
Assume that the destiny will
rain down your worst fears sooner or later

Be an observer
As you cannot save all that is sin
You cannot stare death away
Let the reality take hold of itself
View the mask of virtuality crumble
before the face of reality.

Let the fake ideals be shattered
As now is the time
to take the leap
far and far away from the known existence.
Doom is eternal and 
Death is temporary
As you shall be born again to repay the sins
Let it be journey worthwhile
Let it be the moment where you and you alone
live to the fullest

Let the world carry its
fate to the impeding doom
Dance and be merry
Laugh and Hail the mighty Death
Carry your very lives on your shoulders
As everything crumbles 
along with your twisted ways
to see this world.
Sky shall fall.
Earth shall carry the sins of humanity...

"Night Befell"

Night befell while the snow falls
White shimmers like 
metal in the dark night sky
I could barely walk 
in the spine chilling cold.

My body was losing 
every ounce of strength 
As I walked by.
Unknown and Unaware
My eyes were flooded
with the mesmerising
beauty of the night sky.

Looked up in the sky with hope
Hope to see the 
unseen beauty of this world again.
I cannot give up
Probably considered 
dead in the "avalanche"
No one will come by to help

With borrowed life my tired eyes 
continued to look for hope.
It was like destiny 
wants a few more
capters in my life

I saw a place nearby with smoke
coming out of the chimney.
I dragged the frail,
tired body to the
only hope there was
As i was about to enter
the only shelter nearby.

"I woke Up"
"I woke Up"

"Warrior of Life"

When the boat was sinking
And the light was fading
It was dark and gloomy
Hard and thorny.

Darkness befell
To the end of Hell
Hope was nowhere to be seen.
Words were nowhere to
suffice the agony as it creeps

Earning the judgement 
we deserve some said
Being black soul
we deserve it, some said
Or it was the action of God 
some sympathised
A tiny spark of light and 
confronting words came to rescure

Steering her will 
she came with her gentle smile
These were the moment of sudden relief
which were for long no felt.
Her confronting
speech bounded the heart

Her undying courage cleared 
the darkness out of the meadows.
Sun seemed to rise up, sparkling the
bright green grasslands of
life and happiness

Ever sufferring as were we
found a reason reason to smile away
Her fortitude was a shield 
saving us from agony

Her undying spirit is the true symbol 
of light to us
She was our warrior of Life.
She was our warrior of Life

"Chaos and Contradictions"

A room filled with the minds of common
discussing to find the way
out of their own misery.

Voices were concerned but 
hollow from their own selfishness.
I wonder what was the right thing to do.

Maybe I'll never figure it out
Maybe I know too little
Maybe I was too selfish

A random fluke of emotions 
affected the most important
decisions of one's life
The problem is right and wrong
Dark and Fair
White and Black

A mere understanding is all it takes
A mere effort is all that counts
A mere gratitude is good 
enough to nake someone's day
A mere hand for help 
can save someone's life
The small changes can account
for drastic revolutions.

Twisted reality dark past
and uncertain future
Is always questioned for the
death of one solemn being

The uncertainity lying beyond 
the array of choices you make,
Always question your path

But stop no more until 
the eternal bliss seem to shine nearby
Equip, equip yourself 
with the will of fire
Humming the song of strength 
Keep walking in the uncertain
lands with your certain will

Stop no more, say no more, cry no more
Stop no more, say no more, cry no more

"Trail of Blood"

Defeat and Pain my two companions
Defat to the bone
 Pain so sharp
   Hurt to the core
     Hell so dark.
Deep and Deep I went too far,
  In the starving search for power.
Tired and Tired I went through time,
  There was no one I can call mine.
Heart so hollow thought so black
  Amidst the trail of blood
    I lost my track.


Listen to the cries from that far
These cries are tearing me apart
Leaving me to the dilemma of sorrow
I am slowly getting drowned
Into the false sea of tommorrow


Stories to be told

Promises to be kept

Roads to be taken

Secrets to be uncovered

Belief to be strengthened

World must witness the moment

Great as ever it could be you

Here I await my ship to 

sail into the sea of stars

To achieve the impossible here come I

"Burn in Hell"

It is when you are at your lowest,
you realize how deep you have fallen
suddenly you look up to seek help.

Faces with smile don't just seem to care
you finally seem to care
When you are at your lowest
You can look up finally.

Finally to realise the end awaiting
for you is near
Death awaiting for you is near.
Rumbles of gates of hell you finally hear.

Screams of pain and agony make you steer.
What a life
A rhythm of bravado and cowardice
A syphony of pain and pleasure
A memento of love and hate

you adhere what you hold dear
you live in world of thoughts and stare
still you were laughing with smile austere.

you don't care
you don't care
wounds hurt
Ties broke 
Eyes dry
Bodies burnt
Souls charred
Lives stuck

You don't care
With the speck of life left in one,
Still staring at you unclear,
To carry my misery through time
i have left to spare

you silently walked away
slowly to the unaware
still waiting for you right here
No matter where you go.

My echoes will hunt you down to despair
"Burn in Hell"
"Burn in Hell"
"Burn in Hell"
you will continue to hear
I'm sure you will finally care.


Tears turned to priceless gems
over thousands of years
Timeless heat, pressure, agony,
deceit and loneliness

Unaware sat on the ground to dare;
To dare to ask, "Why me?"

Time flows, so does the life
Life goes, so does th epain
Wounds vanish, so does the stain.

"I will be there for you"

When the howls of pain engulfs the universe
When the rivers lose their water

When the sun will lose it shine

When the winds will carry 

the ashes of mankind to its doom

When the souls would be screeching

in infinite agony

When the warriors stand powerless

When the fire will rain from the sky

When the lasts of 

candles would be flickering

I would be there for you.

I would be there for you..

I would be there for you...No matter what!

No matter the wounds

No matter the blood lost

Billion wounds cannot stop the want,

to breath by your side

With limbs cut off,

I will drag thisbody to the rescue

With head cut off, 

my soul will leap to the rescue

Storms cannot stop the rage of my heart

Winds cannot stop my cries

to reach them to you

Wait for me dear...

Wait for me dear...

"The Shelter I seek"

There I saw a cave dark and gloomy
Stars shine, universe laughed at me
Covered in blood I dragged my numb body
to the shelter nearby
There I laid back, eyes gaping in awe
to beauty the nature beholds
My mind rushed back to bring back 
some sweet memories.
What a simple beings humans are
Swayed by love, trembled by fear
Some treachery, some lies,
cut the ties
Lost spirits come by 
the light'n' full of stars
With only hope to find 
what they have lost
in the river of consciousness.
They say universe conspired
to make them blind
I wondered If I had seen the
truth had my vision been there.
People love, love dies, 
heart trembles at  such cruelty
These tiny dots of lives,
who cried when everything 
was lost in the valiant storm.
I saw, despite having regrets
lives started to settle 
slowly but steadily
Universe fills the void 
in the most unexpected ways.
Breath slowly but steadily,
Try to keep an eye.
Dawn will soon be at your
Void will soon be filled 
and so will the desire,
you hold so truly to yourself.
Let me tell you,
"Storms will be here again"
"Storms will be here again"
You will be hurt 
wounded devastated.
Every fragment of existence
you spent your lives on 
will soon be taken from you.
Stop yourself in this 
raging ocean of thought and desires
Travel Travel in the river of truth
and dive deep to uncover the lies.
The only thing which 
will remain in these storms
is your strength to withstand
these brutalities.
So rejoice once again,
laugh and be merry 
since the end is certain.
Rage rage against the dying of light
Live live and live before 
darkness masks the existence.
Wait wait wait for the cruel end
As they say,
"At the end of faith 
there is some calamity"

All of these words are grace from the Higher and Divine.
I could never write these poems, I am an idiot. I simply don't know anything. I am a tiny droplet of this vast ocean which is the world.